In an effort to try something new with my blog, I’ve decided to mix it up some. So instead of the usual summary of my trip to Wichita last weekend, I present:
Alissa’s Top 10 Botanica Moments:
10. Riding in the rental SUV.
9. Walking around to look at other artist’s booths.
8. Photographing all of the beautiful flowers.
7. Talking with booth visitors about my artwork.
6. Talking with Janice Hoesch, a family friend that moved to Wichita years ago.
5. Feeding the Coy that swam in the pond right next to my booth.
4. Helping a neighbor whose artwork got caught in the wind, causing the glass to break.
3. Talking with Marsha Clasen, one of my teammates from my college volleyball days.
2. Visiting the Butteryfly Garden.
1. Using a cart to haul my booth back and forth to the rental.
Your display looks beautiful! Oh I do remember (sometimes fondly) the days of outdoor shows. They’re fun, even if they are a lot of work.
Thanks for visiting my site Martha! You are right, outdoor shows are a lot of work, but you get to meet so many great people and talk about art all day. Who could ask for more?