Tomorrow I will officially be at 42 weeks, and still no sign of LBS. And there’s nothing going on that leads me to believe he wants out anytime soon … other than a few sporadic days worth of practice contractions.
Last week when I went to the doctor, they hooked up a couple of monitors to my belly and we did a 20-minute non-stress test to see how the baby was doing. Like a champ, LBS passed with flying colors. The midwife said he had all of the regular heartbeat variations that they’d expect to see.
I’ve got another appointment scheduled for Tuesday, where we’ll do another round of the non-stress test, and potentially schedule an ultrasound for a full biophysical profile later in the week.
I’m not sure when we’ll start talking about inducing labor, but I know it will be a last resort. I can be every bit as stubborn as LBS and wait it out, as long as we’re both in good health.
Been checking this site a couple times a day…..
maybe Saturday will be the lucky day. March 14 is
great for babies, like little Molly.
Hope things get to moving for you, but not before baby
is ready!