Installing the Nursery Mural

The nursery has really started coming together the past few days: my parents helped put a fresh coat of mint green paint on the walls, Brandon’s hung new tan microfiber curtains and tonight, the final touch, my mom installed the baby jungle animals wall mural!

Here’s a photo timeline of my mom installing the mural:

First, dad and I marked a plumb line and used pink sticky notes to mark the boundarys for the wallpaper sizing.

The mural's about half way up as mom works on hanging the third panel.

Assembling the Crib

We assembled the crib tonight in the living room. It went pretty smoothly until we attempted to move it to the nursery … and realized it was too big to go through the doorway! So it’s currently setting in the living room until we’ve got time to take it apart and move it tomorrow.

Laying Out the Parts

The Ends are Done

Finished Crib Ah Crap