6 Years Ago Today

Six years ago today I was on the tropical island of St. Lucia with my boyfriend, Brandon, waiting for the rain and clouds to clear so we could get married. Shortly before our scheduled ceremony, the clouds parted and wedding officiant at the resort said it was a sure sign that we were going to have lots of luck and good fortune together.

Looking back, I can only agree. Lots of people probably never thought we’d make it together this long. We’ve watched the majority of our friends marry and divorce over the years, but Brandon and I continue to survive.

It’s not always been easy. For those of you that know us well, you know Brandon and I can each be pretty stubborn, and that we’re opposites in many ways … I’m pretty focused and can be a little too intense, while Brandon’s pretty laid back and accepts that things will come with time. But we’ve found a way to make that balance, and work for us. We’ve grown through each other’s strengths and weakness and have learned how to battle through the tough times.

It all works because at the end of the day, he can always make me laugh and smile. Even when I really, really don’t want to. And I can make sure our finances are in order. : )

I love you, Brandon! Here’s to six more great years!

Setting Up a Baby Registery

I had a particularly long week of work, reaching 40 hours by about mid-day Thursday and I was feeling as exhausted as I had my entire first trimester. Fortunately, I met all of my critical deadlines by mid-day Friday (and have an incredible considerate and understanding employer) and took the afternoon off to catch up on some sleeping. It was glorious!

After napping for several hours, I woke up and decided it would be fun to do something for the baby. So I got online and setup a baby registery at Target and Babies ‘R Us. It was great! I spent about two hours just browsing their web pages and selecting items at my own convenience, even pulling Brandon in for his opinions every now and then. There was so much cute stuff, it was hard to know when to stop!

I don’t know about anyone else, but online shopping is my favorite type of shopping. I don’t have to worry about the crowds or traffic, or getting bored or tired. And I can do it from the convenience of my laptop while wearing pajamas. It doesn’t get any better than that!